2.3.4 - 03/26/2015 ================== - Fix XSS vulnerability [CVE-2015-3618], Thanks Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs for reporting it! -SW 2.3.3 - 12/03/2014 ================== - Added link to settings page from main Nagios BPI page -JO 2.3.2 - 10/23/2014 ================== - Fixed output to be normalized and look like normal output (no more XML:) -JO 2.31 ===================== - LLC not LCC/Update to proper version number -JO 2.3 ===================== - Fix to warn if whitespace is entered in Group ID -SW 2.2 ===================== - Fixed bug which prevented editing of groups that starting with the same string -SW 2.1 ===================== - Fixed bug with empty auth_users printing lots of commas in bpi.conf - Added additional commands to be used with the api_tool.php script. Use -h to see usage for available commands. - Fixed issue where BPI groups states were being calculated twice for every tab load. 2.0 Enterprise Edition ==================== - each group has list of authorized contacts - auto-generate hostgroups and servicegroups - fixed bug for when a single service is "warning," the group is only at warning, not critical N/A with percentages - added hosts checks to selectable options - created an XML dump with all group states and status texts for subsystem group checks - using AJAX calls to refresh group status every 30-X amount of seconds - Added switchable option for "Ignore 'handled' problems" - Added a sanity check for orpaned groups - Added error log - created sortability by service, status, or group priority - created option for a threshold percentage - add in the pseudo states for acknowledged, and scheduled downtime and factored those in as a switchable option to the group logic. - user level filtering for Nagios XI - More informational feedback in status text. Add message as to "why" a group has it's problem state. - Information boxes for return messages (success | failure) of command submissions - Help box overlay to replace question marks - Add a "handled" icon to hosts/services with handled problems - Created a new BPI check plugin with performance data and improved readability of plugin output. - Add auth checks on cmds controller for add/edit/fix permissions - Add safety net for read-only users so that they don't get the CONFIG ERROR message about missing hosts and services - allowed user to specifiy location of all BPI files. Made it safe so that a component upgrade doesn't overwrite it. - Only admins can create, modify, or delete BPI groups. - authorized users for BPI groups will only see their authorized hosts/services in the group even if other members are assigned - Hostgroup and service group BPI pages are enterprise-only features - Added backend API for admin-level users to access BPI group XML from web interface at: nagiosbpi/bpi_display.php?cmd=getbpixml 1.3.1 7/19/2011 ===================== - Bug fixes for group state check - Fixed bug with host states and css color - Fixed bug where hosts didn't preload into the "Edit" forms 1.3 7/18/2011 ===================== - added support for hosts as BPI group members - updated status parsing functions, removed 'ereg' functions - Added version number and support URL 1.2 ===================== - Fixed a bug with the check_bpi.php file. Suppressed any error output from the command-line check in Nagios 1.1 ====================== - Fixed bugs with the fix_config tool, so errors in configuration file can be corrected easily. - Cleaner error output and setup instructions - check_bpi.php *should* work now for Core and XI. 1.0 ====================== - Fixed a bug in the host/service detail urls 11/30/2010