2024R1.1 - 07/16/2024 ================== Added: ------ - Ability to trim audit log and alert history [GL:NLS#6] - CD, JS - Email macros for log data fields [GL:NLS#74] - JS - Logging to various Admin, Alerting, and Configuration features [GL:NLS#68] - JS - Ability to hide default query buttons on dashboard page [GL:NLS#232] - JS - Ability to add/edit/delete custom query buttons based on existing NLS queries [GL:NLS#232] - JS - Ubuntu 24 Support [GL:NLS#152] - JM - Ability to switch between AI models for the NLP query feature [GL:NLS#220] - SNS Fixed: ------ - An issue where when log data is a nested array, alert emails would not send correctly in HTML format [GL:NLS#74] - JS - An issue where NCPA tokens could not be updated [GL:NLS#297] - JS Deprecated or Removed: ---------------------- - Deprecated EL7 and Debian 10 [GL:NLS#252] - JS 2024R1.0.2 - 06/05/2024 ================== Added: ------ - Configuration options to allow Elasticsearch to listen on all interfaces [GL:NLS#219] - JM Updated or Improved: -------------------- - Improved error feedback when failing to connect to NRDP over SSL [GL:NLS#156] - JS - Improved home page performance [GL:NLS#163] - JS - Updated NCPA's installation process to use a permanent link [GL:NLS#168] - LG - Updated NRDP connection test to allow self-signed certificates [GL:NLS#156] - JS Fixed: ------ - Issue where Host Freshness Alert form wasn't always using the default host value [GL:NLS#170] - JS - Issue where deleting the last Filter or Input within Per-Instance Configuration did not work [GL:NLS#174] - JS - Issue with invalid license keys breaking initial install [GL:NLS#130] - JS - %uniquehosts% macro for alert emails [GL:NLS#159] - JS - Importing users from LDAP when users were in nested Organization Units [GL:NLS#15] - JS - Report downloads when Nagios Log Server is configured with a self-signed certificate [GL:NLS#189] - CD,SAW - Issue where a dashboard could crash when querying over too long a timeframe [GL:NLS#158] - JS - Inability to add to a cluster on Enterprise Linux 9 [GL:NLS#80] - LG - Easy button queries to be more specific and avoid false positives [GL:NLS#185,#184,#183,#182,#181,#179] - SNS - Several issues when parsing XI audit logs [GL:NLS#176,#177,178] - LG - Issue in Admin->System Status and Admin->Monitoring Backend where status indicators would infinitely spin [GL:NLS#137] - LG - Issue where shards do not re-allocate properly for clustered servers [GL:NLS#11] - JS - Privilege escalation vulnerability in several backend scripts (Thanks Sarang Tumne for reporting this issue) - SAW - Issue where Ubuntu 22 would fail to install the product [GL:XI#1073] - JM - Missing Save and Cancel buttons when editing administrator users [GL:NLS#242] - JS - Incorrectly installed Python dependencies on Enterprise Linux 7 [GL:NLS#256] - JS, LG - reset_nagiosadmin_password.sh locking users out on some systems [GL:NLS#243] - DA Deprecated or Removed: ---------------------- - Reverted the change to %url% handling for Alert emails [GL:NLS#231] - JS 2024R1.0.1 - 02/20/2024 ================== Added: ------ - Hostnames to Host Freshness Report emails [GL:NLS #31] - JS Updated or Improved: -------------------- - Changed link in Host Freshness Report emails to point to the Unique Hosts page [GL:NLS #31] - JS - Updated SourceGuardian [GL:NLS #149] - JM - Changed per-page memory limit in php.ini to prevent crashes [GL: NLS #165] - JS Fixed: ------ - Error logging for php-fpm [GL: NLS # 141] - JS 2024R1 - 12/05/2023 ================== Added: ------ - Added a twice daily chart for total / top 5 log entry senders on home page [GL:NLS #110] - GW - Added a feature where the home page displays a two week chart [GL:NLS #91] - KV - Added a feature where there are buttons to easily query common logs [GL:NLS#20] - SNS - Added a feature where there query input field is hidden [GL:NLS#106] - SNS - Added a feature where users can use natural language to make queries [GL:NLS#113] - SNS - Added the ability to save a dashboard as a report [GL: NLS#92] - DA - Added navigation breadcrumbs [GL:NLS#91] - SNS - Added 12 new default reports [GL:NLS#108] - SNS Updated or Improved: -------------------- - Moved the unique hosts report to the admin page [GL: NLS#89] - DA - Updated login page presentation [GL: NLS#107] - JS - Include latest version of NXLog CE [GL: NLS#70] - CD - Changed location of backup.log [GL: NLS#5] - CD - Install vim on Ubuntu machines [GL: NLS#62] - CD - Fixed "incoming logs" typo [GL: NLS#9] - CD - Updated linux-setup.sh script to replace use of 'which' with 'command' [GL: #120] - DC Fixed: ------ - Fixed an issue when downloading reports on CentOS 9 [GL:NLS #88] - DA - Fixed an issue where google redirects weren't working [GL:NLS #78] - SNS - Fixed an issue where French broke the home page and global configurations [GL:NLS #2] - SNS - Fixed an issue where timezone changes took too long and sometimes didn't go through [GL: NLS#38] - SNS - Fixed an issue where NCPA plugins were not python3 compatible [GL: NLS #71] - SNS - Fixed an issue where objects were being displayed incorrectly [GL: NLS#95] - SNS - Fixed and issue when uploading to Custom Includes, the CSS tab would open after uploading [GL: NLS #57] - AC - Fixed an XSS vulnerability when creating a new user [GL: NLS #42] - AC - Fixed an issue where unclear directions were given to users during installation setup [GL: NLS 81] - AC - Fixed an issue where users were unable to extend their trial if they activated a free license [GL: NLS 7] - AC - Fixed an issue where host freshness alerts were displaying an inaccurate lookback time [GL: NLS 32] - AC - Fixed an issue where old flash messages were not being properly cleared [GL: NLS 86] - AC - Fixed an issue where creating an alert wouldn't necessarily use your current query [GL:NLS#30] - BB - Fixed an issue where logstash init scripts would mis-recognize process IDs [GL:NLS#73] -CD - Fixed "Update Check" typo [GL: NLS#83] - CD - Fixed link to regex page [GL: NLS#72] - CD Deprecated or Removed: ---------------------- - Removed "World conference" text [GL: NLS#76] - CD - Deprecate Ubuntu 18 - DA 2.1.15 - 4/13/2023 ================== - Fixed issue where you couldn't change timezone via GUI in admin/globals on some distros [GL:NLS #46] -PhW - Fixed issue with switching user locale on some CentOS 8/9 installations [GL:NLS #61] -SAW - Fixed issue where SNMP alerts would fail for Ubuntu systems [GL:NLS #48] -SAW - Fixed issue with installation on RHEL 7 -SAW - Fixed mangled text when logging user queries in Audit Log [GL:NLS #47] -SAW - Fixed several issues with Ubuntu 22 support [GL:NLS #44, #45, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #58, #59] -SAW - Updated "Elasticsearch Offline" error to include systemctl-based instructions where applicable [GL: NLS #49] -SAW 2.1.14 - 3/22/2023 ================== - Added support for Debian 11, Ubuntu 22, and CentOS Stream 9 [GL:NLS #34, #35, #36] -SAW, DA - Added more information to System Profile -SAW - Updated bundled NCPA to 2.4.1 -SAW - Deprecated Debian 9, Ubuntu 16 due to end of life -SAW - Fixed an issue where some hosts were missing from the "Not Sending" table of the Host Freshness report -SS - Fixed XSS vulnerability in snapshots page (Thanks to Ariane Blow for reporting) [GL:NLS #3] -DA 2.1.13 - 5/10/2022 ================== - Updated NXLog .msi file to version 3.0.2272 -SAW - Add reload4j as drop-in log4j replacement -SAW - Fix issue with elasticsearch configuration being replaced on upgrade -SAW - Fixed exporting dashboards to CSV when using nested fields -SAW 2.1.12 - 2/21/2022 ================== - Removed additional log4j library -SAW - Fixed version update issue in 2.1.11 -SAW - Updated jQuery to version 3.6.0 (jQuery 1.12.x is retained on the backend for PDF rendering) -SAW - Updated NCPA to version 2.3.1 -SAW 2.1.11 - 2/10/2022 =================== - Removed log4j as a dependency from logstash and elasticsearch -SAW 2.1.10 - 12/09/2021 =================== - Fixed several XSS (Thanks SecEnt Security Team) (details forthcoming) -SAW 2.1.9 - 07/20/2021 ================== - Alert ownership no longer changes automatically when edited by an administrator [TPS#15264] -SAW - Changed default real-time alert creation behavior: when using "in" or "not in" operators, the create/update logic will assume a string on the left criterion and a field/property on the right unless specified -SAW - Fixed issue with Python 2 compatibility -JO,DC - Fixed several XSS in Admin > Audit Log (thanks Liew Hock Lai and NCC Group) (CVE-2021-35478, CVE-2021-35479) -SAW - Fixed XSS in Configure > Config Snapshots (CVE-2020-25385) -SAW 2.1.8 - 03/09/2021 ================== - Added support for Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20 - Fixed XSS in Admin > Mail Settings and Configure > Snapshots (CVE-2020-25385) -SAW - Fixed API to allow queries from existing Nagios Fusion dashlets -SAW - Fixed issues with ipv6 recognition in Instance Status and related pages [TPS#15357] -SAW - Fixed spurious "Alert named {x} already exists" error messages [TPS#15481] -SAW - Fixed dns_reverse_lookup returning a blank string instead of IP or message when reverse dns disabled -JO 2.1.7 - 07/28/2020 ================== - Added separate permission level for Alert Contact visibility/editing [TPS#14984] -SAW - Fixed issues when using FreeIPA containers with LDAP integration [TPS#15236] -SS - Fixed host freshness alerts reporting incorrect number of non-sending hosts [TPS#15086] -SAW - Fixed "Exported CSV Timezone" global setting always displaying "Cluster Timezone" [TPS#15094] -SAW - Fixed incorrect timestamps showing for AD/LDAP certificate expiration [TPS#15105] -SAW - Fixed XSS in Notification Methods -> Email Users menu (credit Jinson Varghese Behanan and Astra Security) (CVE-2020-16157) [TPS#15232] -SAW - Fixed incorrect handling of "Disable Reverse DNS" global option -SAW - Fixed setup-linux.sh for Ubuntu 20 [TPS#15188] -SAW,CD - Fixed performance issue with alerting for installations with many open indices [TPS#15234] -SAW 2.1.6 - 04/23/2020 ================== - Updated Sourceguardian to work with PHP 7.4 -JO - Added a global option to use the cluster's timezone for the "Export as CSV" button [TPS#15035] -SAW - Added alert admins without the Configuration permission will receive a notice when deleting real-time alerts [TPS#14980]-SAW - Fixed "Save User" button missing from "Edit User" page -SAW - Fixed XSS in "Create User", "Edit User", and "Manage Host Lists" -SAW - Fixed "Export as CSV" dashboard button no longer displays restricted hosts [TPS#14983] -SAW - Fixed installation issue with SUSE Extended Support for RHEL systems (Thanks Derek) -JO 2.1.5 - 03/24/2020 ================== - Add a setting to disable DNS reverse lookups -SAW - Fixed issues when using the 'dns' Logstash filter with Host Visibility restrictions [TPS#14903] -SAW - Fixed LDAP/AD integration CA certificate upload to allow both root and intermediate on same subject -JO - Fixed issues with alerting via SNMP Trap when using AuthPriv or AuthNoPriv [TPS#14965] -SAW - Fixed issue with Disk Usage - Current Index graph when system time was UTC+XX [TPS#14993] -SAW 2.1.4 - 01/28/2020 ================== - Added %lastalertlog% and related e-mail template macros for real-time alerts [TPS#14799] -SAW - Added a selector to Alert History allowing newly-deleted alerts to be used as a filter [TPS#14795] -SAW - Updated Japanese translations (thanks Chitose Sasaki) -JO - Remove broken 'xor' and 'nand' keywords from real-time alert configuration -SAW - Fixed Logstash plugin upgrades causing install/upgrade scripts to fail and need to be restarted -JO - Fixed issue with missing CSS classes on some items in the interface [TPS#14762,14769] -SAW,JO - Fixed alert count in main homepage/dashboard to only show active alerts [TPS#14770] -JO - Fixed Unique Hosts count in the main homepage/dashboard to use the same query used in the Unique Hosts Report [TPS#14767] -JO - Fixed boolean logic operators in realtime alerting being improperly translated [TPS#14768] -JO - Fixed real-time creation and editing for users that could not modify Logstash configuration [TPS#14808] -SAW - Fixed removal of other notification recipients when non-admins edit alert settings [TPS#14783] -SAW - Fixed 'Show Query' and 'Show Results' buttons appearing in Alert History for Real-Time and Host Freshness Alerts [TPS#14797] -SAW - Fixed missing Email Templates 'Remove' button when user has all alerting permissions enabled [TPS#14794] -SAW - Fixed incorrect real-time alerting criteria when multiple alerts were edited/canceled [TPS#14784] -SAW - Fixed broken 'Download as CSV' button in Alert History [TPS#14796] -SAW - Fixed open redirect vulnerability in the redirect parameter on the login page -JO - Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in dashboard query page, full user name in profile, admin user edit page, and admin audit log page (CVE-2020-6584, CVE-2020-6585, CVE-2020-6586) (thanks Mohit Rawat) -JO, SAW - Fixed display of real-time alert names in dashboard fields [TPS#14798] -SAW - Fixed duplicated e-mails when editing scheduled reports in clustered environment [TPS#14851] -SAW - Fixed comma escaping when exporting a CSV from a dashboard -SAW - Fixed non-admin users able to edit/delete other users' scheduled reports -SAW - Fixed issue with 'Toggle All' button in User Permissions [TPS#14877] -SAW - Fixed issue with selecting multiple host lists in User Permissions [TPS#14879] -SAW 2.1.3 - 12/12/2019 ================== - Updated Japanese translations (thanks Chitose Sasaki) -JO - Updated Home Page "Total Disk Usage" graph to use Elasticsearch's disk drives [TPS#14708] -SAW - Fixed real-time alerts so that deactivated alerts don't ask to Apply Configuration when deleted [TPS#14687] -SAW - Fixed Unique Hosts CSV report to include Log Count for active hosts [TPS#14688] -SAW - Fixed issues with file extensions when downloading/e-mailing reports [TPS#14685,14686] -SAW - Fixed issue with LDAP/AD certificate management when binary data is in the certificate [TPS#14690] -JO - Fixed issue with restoring multiple indices from a snapshot [TPS#14748] -SAW - Fixed LDAP/AD imported users not able to log in after import due to missing username value in DB [TPS#14726] -JO - Fixed issue with Logstash system status on Ubuntu 18 systems sometimes showing not running [TPS#14729] -JO 2.1.2 - 11/12/2019 ================== - Updated SourceGuardian loaders to now support PHP versions up to 7.3 -JO - Updated Japanese translations (thanks Chitose Sasaki) -JO - Updated jQuery to patched jQuery 1.12.4 for CVE-2019-11358 -JO - Fixed Javascript alert text not being translated -JO - Fixed Real-Time Alerts, host freshness alerts broken on re-activation [TPS#14559,14574] -SAW - Fixed garbled text when using international characters in downloaded/e-mailed reports [TPS#14502] -SAW - Fixed login screen to treat usernames as case-insensitive [TPS#14569] -SAW - Fixed false positives for 'An alert named already exists' -SAW - Fixed error messages showing after alert creation is canceled -SAW - Fixed "Disk Usage -- Current Index" graph when run_index_usage is scheduled at a greater frequency -SAW - Fixed users able to see restricted data in alert history [TPS#14595] -SAW 2.1.1 - 10/03/2019 ================== - Updated Japanese translations (thanks Chitose Sasaki) -JO - Fixed error message on login failure to be non-descriptive to not giveaway valid usernames -SW - Fixed missing form validation for real-time alert names -SAW - Fixed shebang in restore_backup.sh to work on Debian systems -SW - Fixed modifying global config after configuring real-time alerts [TPS#14491] -SAW - Fixed 'Show Alert in Dashboard' button [TPS#14487] -SAW - Fixed missing 'run_index_usage' subsystem job after upgrades [TPS#14489] -SAW - Fixed Host Freshness delete button requiring applied configuration [TPS#14522] -SAW - Fixed system language being preferred over user language in downloaded/e-mailed reports [TPS#14501] -SAW - Fixed garbled text when using international characters in downloaded/e-mailed reports [TPS#14502] -SAW - Fixed reports scheduled at noon/midnight incorrectly populating edit form [TPS#14503] -SAW - Fixed "Only alert when Warning or Critical threshold is met" checkbox for host freshness alerts [TPS#14530] -SAW - Fixed missing multitenancy settings when viewing query results in Alert History [TPS#14548] -SAW - Fixed issues with Logstash section of API Reference -SAW 2.1.0 - 09/17/2019 ================== - Added a filter for the Nagios XI Audit Log to the default configuration [TPS#13942] -SAW - Added a status indicator in the Index Status/Cluster status pages for elasticsearch indices that are still re-opening [TPS#5796] -SAW - Added an e-mail template macro, %count%, which gives the number of matching entries in the query that generates the alert [TPS#7361] -SAW - Added a way to include custom CSS/javascript/images (from the Admin menu) [TPS#14332] -SAW - Added the ability to rerun queries from the Audit Log if all queries are being logged [TPS#13128] -SAW - Added minor interface enhancements [TPS#13504] -CD, SAW - Added the ability to alert based on logstash conditionals (real-time alerting) [TPS#13994] -SAW - Added the ability to alert based on previously-configured hosts which are no longer sending logs (host freshness alerting) [TPS#4951] -SAW - Added restriction to backend API calls to not allow accessing nagioslogserver/nagioslogserver_log index directly -JO - Added host-based restriction to backend API/dashboards/query-based alerts for multitenancy [TPS#9322] -SAW - Added report exporting/scheduling [TPS#4303] -SAW - Added certificate management for AD/LDAP [TPS#6773] -SAW - Added usernames to backend audit logging [TPS#9107] -SAW - Added Nagios Cross-Platform Agent (NCPA) by default for Nagios XI integration [TPS#13939] - SAW - Updated Snapshots & Maintenance Page, adding greater control over which elasticsearch indices are restored [TPS#7230] -SAW - Updated home page graphics [TPS#4312, 5545, 7442] -SAW - Updated Audit Log to write to /usr/local/nagioslogserver/var in addition to the existing database [TPS#14022] - SAW - Fixed issue where multiline logs would be compressed to a single line in e-mail alerts [TPS#14241] -SAW - Fixed issue where plain-text e-mails would still include HTML tags [TPS#14240] -SAW - Fixed issue where the System Default alert template wouldn't always use the system language [TPS#13488] -SAW - Fixed language translations not working properly on Debian and Ubuntu systems -JO - Fixed check for updates not working properly on Ubuntu 18 systems due to PHP version -JO - Fixed wording for encryption STARTTLS in LDAP/AD Integration -JO - Fixed dashboard CSV export for nested data structures (like geoip) -SAW - Fixed curator not found on Ubuntu 18 [TPS#14371] -SW - Fixed LDAP multiple naming contexts if context has no dc= in the name [TPS#12435] -JO 2.0.8 - 05/09/2019 ================== - Added messages in e-mail templates for %lastalertlog%, %last10alertlogs%, and %uniquehosts% when no log lines match the alerting query -SAW - Fixed Reflected XSS on Login page (CVE-2019-15898) (credit Luca Ottoni and Lucas Carmo) [TPS#14072] -SW - Fixed session ID not reinitializing when logging in -JO - Fixed Debian init file to export ES_HEAP_SIZE to automatically calculate memory [TPS#14099] -SW - Fixed issue with updating tcp logstash plugin before logstash update -JO 2.0.7 - 02/07/2019 ================== - Fixed issue with newer Debian 9 os-release not passing as a valid OS for install -JO - Fixed issue with Ubuntu 16.04 rsyslog bug with setup-linux.sh script -JO,AC 2.0.6 - 11/01/2018 ================== - Added missing info to system profile script -CD,JO - Added page refresh every 30 seconds to Alerts page [TPS#9078] -SW - Added upgrade.log to be generated during upgrades [TPS#8676] -SW - Fixed an issue where Auto-Created Snapshots would delete the newest snapshot when full [TPS#13572] - SAW - Fix an issue where predefined alert queries would occasionally show as custom queries [TPS#13570] - SAW - Fixed issue with STARTTLS mail option not setting the proper option -JO - Fixed issue with bettermap not loading properly -SW - Fixed fullinstall script to have an option to set NTP server using -t | --ntp-server arg [TPS#9444] -SW - Fixed issue with base64 decoding of email templates on certain systems with PHP 7+ -JO - Explicitly set umask to 0022 in fullinstall and upgrade scripts [TPS#9466] -SW 2.0.5 - 08/30/2018 ================== - Fixed issues with languages in Dashboard section not properly translating [TPS#13420] -JO - Fixed check update section not translating properly [TPS#13512] -JO - Fixed various XSS vulnerabilities [TPS#13388,13390] -JO 2.0.4 - 06/26/2018 ================== - Fixed issue with system profiles not being able to be created -JO - Fixed unstick jobs max deviation setting to not have a max since some jobs happen over 12 hours apart -JO 2.0.3 - 06/12/2018 ================== - Fixed issue where deactivated pinned queries cannot be re-activated or accessed in any way [TPS#13059] -SW - Fixed various CSRF and XSS vulnerabilities [TPS#13049, TPS#13050] -SW - Fixed RCE vulnerability [TPS#13052] -TM - Fixed XSS vulnerability [TPS#13195] -JO - Fixed missing Dashboard labels in Panel tab of Table settings (missing a new CSS class) [TPS#13287] -JO - Fixed host search when clicking a host in the Unique Hosts report not using quotes in query [TPS#12969] -JO - Fixed export to CSV not automatically uppercasing AND and OR in query string [TPS#13245] -JO - Fixed default Windows input charset for encoding to UTF-8 (handled by nxlog in new version we link to) [TPS#13037] -JO 2.0.2 - 12/19/2017 ================== - Fixed issue in dashboards where panels couldn't always be created due to javascript errors [TPS#12859] -JO - Fixed issues with some icons in the dashboards not showing up properly -JO 2.0.1 - 12/14/2017 ================== - Fixed system status to use hostname instead of IP address -JO - Fixed issue with add repository popup closing but not submitting when hitting enter [TPS#12726] -CN - Fixed issue with table pagination data not updating when submitting the form [TPS#12732] -CN - Fixed login issues with special characters on new installs [TPS#12810] -JO - Fixed editing alerts causing alert to become a custom alert -JO - Fixed alert urls in emails for alerts without dashboard queries [TPS#12798] -JO - Fixed writing LS configuration while ES is starting (will wait 5 minutes) -JO - Fixed python pip issues on CentOS 6 -JO - Fixed issue where setup-linux script did not create rsyslog config files properly [TPS#12711] -CN 2.0.0 - 11/14/2017 ================== - Added report for unique hosts -JO - Added alert history tracking and page -JO - Added activation for licenses -JO - Added ability to give users specific permissions (such as viewing/editing alerts and configuration) -JO - Added reset command subsystem commands in the upgrade script -JO - Added ability to add q= or a= to the logserver.js dashboard for clicking through alerts and queries [TPS#10622] -JO - Added more LDAP user account types for importing from different LDAP setups -JO - Added automatic activation for licenses with client ID (or token value) from the GUI -JO - Added maintenance check and maintenance information including renewal link in "License Information" page -JO - Added internal proxy settings for maintenance, activation, and upgrade checks [TPS#5095] -JO - Added loading into the dashboards until one of the panels starts loading to indicate an action is happening -JO - Added initial close time of 30 days to backup and maintenance section on clean installs [TPS#10748] -JO - Added option for text only emails instead of HTML [TPS#12230] -JO - Added functionality to the job subsystem that checks for stuck jobs and will reset them [TPS#7176] -JO - Added last modified time to the snapshots and maintenance section of Admin area [TPS#10802] -JO - Added a run button to the actions available for command subsystem jobs to manually run a command now easily -JO - Added the ability to export the table data as a CSV with matching table headers to columns in CSV [TPS#4176] -JO - Added Czech as a selectable language (localized translation pending) -SW, JO - Updated encrypted files to support PHP 7 and 7.1 -JO - Updated style to the Nagios standard Modern theme -JO - Updated Elasticsearch to version 1.7.6 -JO - Updated Logstash to version 2.4.1 (with all plugins included) -JO - Updated to elasticsearch-knapsack -JO - Updated CodeIgniter to 3.1.x -JO - Updated wording for User permissions in the create user page [TPS#10187] -JO - Updated license pages and trial expiration pages to a better format and to say the correct values based on the situation -JO - Updated install to check for nagios users's home directory [TPS#10438] -JO - Updated alerts page when using a custom query to not send to the wrong dashboard, instead it sends to a raw query result page [TPS#9256] -JO - Updated Backup & Maintenance admin page to show amount of snapshots -JO - Updated Backup & Maintenance admin page repository creation to use a modal and repository table to show repo size -JO - Updated "Backup & Maintenance" page to be called "Snapshots & Maintenance" to better distinguish the different types of backups -JO - Updated alerts to no longer have Nagios Reactor outputs (people with Reactor outputs will still see their outputs) -JO - Updated index and cluster index lists to not allow closing the current day's index, only deletion [TPS#9105] -JO - Fixed issue when importing AD/LDAP users who were unchecked would still verify against username/email [TPS#10233] -JO - Fixed issue with usernames with "-" character in them not working [TPS#10229] -JO - Fixed issue where install would exit if ntpdate could not get time [TPS#10301] -JO - Fixed rsyslog script to use Disk-Assisted Queues if connections cannot be made to Log Server -SW - Fixed ip address resolution in install/upgrade scripts [TPS#10761] -JO - Fixed dashboard style selection drop-down showing up even though there are not multiple supported themes yet -JO - Fixed using GET requests against backend API to do searches with JSON body [TPS#10559] -JO - Fixed ability to make redirect variable work with any url on login page -JO - Fixed user permissions on alert notification management pages -JO - Fixed various CSRF and XSS vulnerabilities -JO - Fixed alert not sending formatted %time% output in alerting methods [TPS#11842] -JO - Fixed issue with AD/LDAP importing folders with commas in the name [TPS#11393] -JO - Fixed session user_id not being verified as existing in DB (deleted user stays logged in) [TPS#11342] -JO - Fixed some of the high memory usage issues on the admin page (may still need to update PHP max memory on larger systems) -JO 1.4.4 - 11/15/2016 ================== - Fixed curator script not accepting argument at the end of the command [TPS#10109] -JO - Fixed install page not installing with no error if key has a space at the end [TPS#10068] -JO - Fixed script alert handler to properly escape the return output and timestamp value so they don't cut off values -JO 1.4.3 - 11/03/2016 ================== - Updated Portuguese translation file -JO - Updated Japanese translation file -JO - Updated profile component to add a few more informative checks for support [TPS#9900] -JO - Fixed issue with forgot password and reset not working -JO - Fixed admin editing users requiring confirm password field filled out [TPS#8615] -JO - Fixed issue where instance status showing instances as offline ES/LS when cluster had > 9 nodes [TPS#9207] -JO - Fixed alert create/edit popup not validating check interval and look-back period [TPS#8890] -JO - Fixed Japanese language encoding issues on email subject line [TPS#8599] -JO - Fixed issue in Kibana where histogram wouldn't resize correctly on editing [TPS#8906] -JO - Fixed issue where modal popups would cut off on smaller screens [TPS#8687] -JO - Fixed issue with nodes not showing up in config sidebar when there are > 9 nodes -JO - Fixed create alert button showing for regular users [TPS#9726] -JO - Fixed issue where curator snapshots (--ignore_unavailable) trying to run on closed indexs or indexes with missing shards [TPS#9504] -JO - Fixed issue where uploaded dashboard would overwrite current dashboard if saved (must save as before saving) [TPS#9196] -JO - Fixed issue with not restarting rsyslog when changing timezone setting [TPS#9283] -JO - Fixed issue with alerting sections only seeing a set number of results on a page [TPS#9641] -JO - Fixed issue where cmdsubsys commands would sometimes be stuck in "running" states when restoring NLS backups [TPS#8318] -JO - Fixed backup script not dying when hitting timeout [TPS#9330] -JO - Fixed timezone being set properly on initial full install -JO 1.4.2 - 07/22/2016 ================== - Fixed German and French language options causing javascript errors in Dashboards tab [TPS#8943] -JO - Fixed issue where using non-default port to connect would cause Dashboards to not load properly [TPS#8861] -JO - Fixed audit log 'created_by' field being populated with user ID instead of username [TSP#8609] -JO - Fixed AD/LDAP import to allow parenthesis [TPS#8920] -SS, JO - Fixed XSS vulnerability in logs that are viewed through the table in Dashboards section [TPS#8694] -JO - Fixed various security vulnerabilities -JO - Fixed issue with bettermap no longer working [TPS#8694] -JO 1.4.1 - 05/05/2016 ===================== - Fixed numerous URLs to use https is Log Server is accessed using SSL -SW - Fixed double slash in Alert URL when using Interface URL -SW - Fixed missing sudo at beginning of commands in source setup examples -SW - Fixed inconsistent verbiage in several source setup files -SW - Fixed potential problem where proxy server environment variables could cause elasticsearch on localhost to not be reached -SW - Fixed missing audit logs for failed login attempts using AD/LDAP -SW - Fixed emails going to exchange with crlf of \n instead of \r\n -JO - Fixed Alert Method on Alerts Screen not showing username if there were more than 20 users defined [TPS#8037] -JO - Fixed cmdsubsys jobs using end time instead of start time when calculation next job run time [TPS#7642] -JO - Fixed missing text value for password field error [TPS#7803] -JO - Fixed having to manually apply config after a restore to restore old configuration [TPS#7766] -JO - Fixed misc PHP notice errors -JO - Fixed password length (5+ chars required) and password change error text [TPS#8305] -JO - Fixed issue where backup snapshots would not be deleted from repository [TPS#8170] -JO 1.4.0 - 12/21/2015 ===================== - Removed the index.php from URL (although old urls including index.php will still work) -JO - Updated sourceguardian loaders supporting up to php 5.6 -SW - Updated elasticsearch curator to 3.4.0 -JO - Added Log Source Setup instructions for syslog-ng -SW - Added restore single or multiple indices from snapshots -JO - Added email templates for alerts -JO - Added special macros for email alert templates -JO - Added fullscreen capabilities to the dashboard by clicking "Fullscreen" next to dashboard title -JO - Added email options to set name of sender and name/email for reply-to field -JO - Added interface URL in global settings for URL link in alerts -JO - Fixed nxlog sample config to properly send nxlog.log -SW, JO - Fixed alert run end time slight offset on slow systems -JO, SW - Fixed apply configuration to display an error if configuration could not be successfully verified and was not applied -SW - Fixed manage queries not always refreshing by preventing caching get_queries api calls [TPS#7000] -SW - Fixed host count on dashboard to no longer count localhost as multiple hosts -JO - Fixed php date not being set on install for centos 7 nodes -JO 1.3.0 - 10/08/2015 ===================== - Added ability to re-order table view -SW - Added "Inspect" icon when using quick search -SW - Change Audit Log to report Alert Name instead of ID -SW - Fixed some missing translations -SW - Fixed problem where index didn't exist before adding it to a query -SW - Fixed bug where maintenance jobs were not run sequentially possible causing indexes to be deleted or closed before being backup -SW - Fixed bug where IE was not redirecting window.location properly -SW - Fixed bug where backup and maintenance process would not always complete all steps by re-ordering steps -SW - Fixed bug causing incorrect index to be selected for alerts, specifically a problem when server timezone is offset from UTC -SW - Fixed issue where logrotate had windows line endings and giving errors -JO 2015R2.2 - 08/19/2015 ===================== - Remove disabling of bloom filters from maintenance settings as they are no longer used in elasticsearch > 1.4 -SW - Fixed bug causing URL's in alert emails to have incorrect dates -SW - Fixed the stats panel description to display properly -SW - Fixed TopN help, which wasn't displaying properly -SW - Fixed bug causing logstash config to target wrong cluster when adding instances until manual apply config happened -SW - Fixed per instance configuration verification, was defaulting to only verify global configurations -SW - Fixed per instance views of configuration files, was defaulting to only show global configurations -SW - Fixed additional bug in curator and elasticsearch 1.6.0 causing log backups to not be created -SW - Fixed bug causing space being added after each colon when trying to export a query -SW - Fixed many language strings remaining English even when different language was selected -SW - Fixed "typed" Reports showing blank -SW 2015R2.1 - 07/21/2015 ===================== - Updated alert listing to display 100k alerts -JO - Updated link in alert emails to display the EXACT period the alert was for instead of a time relative to now -SW - Added the ability to add columns and sort order from within table view -SW - Added filter icon on fields list to help show that clicking the field name has an action -SW - Fixed bug while importing LDAP/AD users that would not assign them the admin level -JO - Fixed bug that would not allow deleting an added LDAP/AD server -JO - Fixed bug causing Linux Setup commands to not show -SW - Fixed Admin Reports page showing blank -SW - Fixed bug in curator and elasticsearch 1.6.0 causing log backups to not be created -SW 2015R2.0b - 07/16/2015 ===================== - Fix bug causing AD user import to not populate the AD username field -JO - Fix bug causing AD import to not populate the name field -JO 2015R2.0 - 07/15/2015 ===================== - Upgraded to Elasticsearch 1.6.0 -SW - Upgraded to Logstash 1.5.1 -SW - Upgraded to elasticsearch-knapsack- -SW - Upgraded NXLog CE version to nxlog-ce-2.9.1347 -SW - Added translations for multiple different languages -JO - Added LDAP/AD integration and user importing like other Nagios products -JO - Added advanced editing for alerts - allowing users to edit queries directly via the ES json object that gets passed -JO - Added ability to setup-linux.sh script to add multiple files at once. e.g. -f "/path/to/file /path/to/another/file/*.log" -SW - Added configuration snapshot tarballs to the system backup and restore -SW - Added check-boxes to cluster status to allow open/close/delete functions on multiple indices (can also shift-select) -JO - Added system profile button to 'System Status' page in admin panel to create a tar like in XI with system information for support -JO - Update queries icon in dashboard to magnifying glass from ? to avoid confusion with a "help" icon -SW - Updated default timestamp for nav-bar search to use localtime -SW - Fixed backup rotation to properly remove old backup files -SW - Fixed bug causing system backups to get stuck due to knapsack states. -SW - Fixed bug causing WARNING alerts to show as OK -SW - Fixed bug in curator that would cause it to fail in certain circumstances -JO 2015R1.4 - 04/09/2015 ===================== - Update licensing page for easy transition to Free version once trial expires -SW - Fixed bug so edits to users no longer requires entering a new password -SW - Fixed bug where URL was incorrect on alerts if cluster_hostname was defined -SW - Fixed bug in dashboard loading queries from the alert email link or show dashboard link -JO - Fixed bug when adding an instance to give proper permissions to new instance's first written config files -JO - Fixed bug causing save button to not populate correctly when importing a dashboard -SW - Fixed bug causing alert threshold ranges to not work correctly and always return OK -SW - Fixed bug in configuration where removing the first input/filter/output would make them not apply to the file -JO 2015R1.3 - 02/12/2014 ===================== - Added support for SSL/TLS/STARTTLS security encryption in SMTP Mail Settings -LG - Added curator.sh script to fix curator path issues on some systems -SW - Added net-tools install to make sure netstat is installed so Logstash verifications work properly -JO - Added ability to test Email Settings -SW - Added Subsystem Commands section in Admin panel for managing subsystem jobs -JO - Change to use transport protocol from logstash to elasticsearch as http has known bugs leaking file descriptors -SW - Change querying to make queries with and / or to work with lowercase and and or the same way uppercase joins work -SW - Fixed issue where opening config section wouldn't be set to the full text size -JO - Fixed result sizes to be much larger for most internal elasticsearch queries -JO - Fixed every-other redirect to snapshots page on "Save & Apply" button click -JO - Fixed issue where global commands weren't given the proper ID and instead have a randomly generated ID -JO - Fixed no default values for close/delete index time settings in backup and maintenance -JO - Fixed bug causing you to not be able to enter 0 on backup and Maintenance page -SW - Fixed bug causing alert threshold set to 0 to not function properly -SW - Fixed bug in broad search where events Over Time legend would not update after changing query -SW 2015R1.2b - 12/15/2014 ===================== - Fixed firewall issue on RHEL/CentOS 7 install -JO - Fixed opening config options modal in dashboard scrolling the page to the top -JO 2015R1.2 - 12/11/2014 ===================== - Added support for RHEL/CentOS 7 installs -JO - Added ability to change timezone from inside the web GUI -JO - Fixed delete icons on backup page to not be the same as the refresh symbol -JO - Fixed the "FREE" license key to be able to be set correctly -JO - Fixed hostname/servicename for NRDP alerts not showing up when editing the alert -JO - Fixed user management page to only display the first 10 users -JO - Fixed issue where right-clicking Dashboard link wouldn't open drop-down menu -JO - Fixed bug where Dashboard panels do not conform to set sizes if labels are overly large -JO 2015R1.1 - 11/18/2014 ===================== - Added auto-focus on username field on login page -JO - Removed style selection in dashboard editor since it's no longer available (dark theme doesn't work, possibly more themes later) -JO - Fixed bug with restoring snapshot if index was deleted -SW - Fixed RHEL license check on install -JO - Fixed sending alerts only on warning/critical (the check-box wasn't working properly) -JO - Fixed saving configurations of instance nodes not changing global config -JO - Fixed saving configurations output filter being set to active/inactive properly -JO - Fixed alerts created in Dashboard not showing "Created By" field -JO - Fixed output message for weird config verification issues -JO - Fixed CentOS 5 installation -JO 2015R1.0 - 10/14/2014 ===================== -Initial Release