2024R1.0.2 - 02/27/2024 ======================= - Fix an issue where hostnames would fail to show in Source->Queries if hostname resolution was enabled [GL:NA#61] - SAW - Editing, canceling, and clicking the "New Check" button will no longer cause you to edit the previously selected check [GL:NA#45] - SAW - Fixed the time offset of the Abnormal Behavior visualization so that all visible cells have valid data [GL:NA#13] - SAW - Removed support for Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 18, and Debian 9 due to end of life - SAW 2024R1.0.1 - 01/09/2024 ======================= - Updated traceroute agent to use NCPA 3.0.0 - SAW - Improved speed of host reverse lookup - DA - Fixed an issue in the Route page where dragging the background would cause the route view to be offset [GL:NA#56] - SAW - Fixed an issue where deleting a view which was associated to some sources (but not all) from a source's View Management page would fail to delete the view [GL:NA#19] - SAW - Fixed an issue where bandwidth graphs would fail to update after server reboot [GL:NA#17] - SAW - Fixed an issue where reset_nagiosadmin_password.sh would generate the new password incorrectly on newer Linux distributions - SAW 2024R1 - 11/28/2023 =================== - Added network path monitoring [GL:NA#39] -SAW - Enable power tools on installation for cent8 and cent9 and add check to see if rrdtool is preinstall during installation. [GL:NA#1] -SG - Add dynamic search bar feature to header [GL:NA#5] - SG - Add support for Ubuntu 22 and Debian 11 [GL:NA#7, NA#8] - SG - Add API endpoint for Fusion NNA integration [GL:FSN#64] - AC - Add support for Centos 9 [GL:NA#6] -SNS - Fixed several issues with the View/Edit Check form - SAW - Fixed a variety of issues with the Nagios Setup page [GL:NA#22,#23] - DA - Fixed an XSS vulnerability in percentile calculator menu, thanks to Tisha Manandhar for finding it [GL:NA#40] - SG - Fixed an issue with init scripts and the nagiosna service not starting after reboot [GL:NA#3] - DA - Updated the login page to match our other products [GL:NA#34] - SG - Fixed an issue where adding a new check fails - [GL: NA#21] - SNS - Fixed an issue where abnormal behavior data pop up was being cut off on the left most timeframe [GL:NA#18] - SG - Fixed an issue where deleting views failed with associatoins [GL:NA#20] - SNS - Added support for FreeIPA/nsContainer to LDAP/AD integration -SS - Improved user experience when changing password [GL:NA#27] - SG - Improved user experience when creating backups [GL:NA#24] - SG 2.4.3 - 03/16/2021 ================== - Updated nfdump to patched version that fixes total bytes amount given [TPS#15440] -JO - Fixed issue with reap_files.py script removing the last digit from the summary data -JO - Fixed Chord diagrams cutting off the IP addresses (can also hover over IP and wait for popup) [TPS#15438] -JO - Fixed SQL injection vulnerability on col option for sources read (CVE-2021-28925) (thanks Lucas Carmo from STOLabs) -JO - Fixed XSS vulnerability on Source > Query page (CVE-2021-28924) (thanks Lucas Carmo from STOLabs) -JO 2.4.2 - 12/22/2020 ================== - Updated install to work with CentOS/RHEL 8/Stream, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and Debian 9/10 -JO - Updated report PDF generation to make reports easier to read -JO - Updated backend to work with Python 3.x -JO - Updated RRDtool to version 1.7.2 -JO - Updated nfdump to version 1.6.22 -JO - Updated jQuery to version 3.5.1 to fix security vulnerabilities -JO - Updated Highcharts to version 7.2.2 -JO - Fixed issue with rrdtool import cache being written to system tmp instead of nagiosna tmp [TPS#14830] -JO - Fixed Expiration Date displayed for LDAP/AD certificates in the LDAP/AD management page [TPS#15407] -JO - Fixed mod_ssl not installed by default on CentOS/RHEL systems [TPS#15130] -JO - Fixed change_timezone.sh script to accommodate newer systems when setting php timezone value [TPS#15268] -JO 2.4.1 - 11/21/2019 ================== - Updated SourceGuardian loaders to now support PHP versions up to 7.3 -JO - Updated jQuery to a patched version 1.12.4 to fix CVE-2019-11358 -JO - Fixed typo in Bandwidth graph on Summary page showing Bytes/Sec instead of Bits/Sec -JO - Fixed wording for encryption STARTTLS in LDAP/AD Integration -JO - Fixed issue with LDAP naming context on certain types of LDAP servers -JO - Fixed abnormal behavior check showing in alert creation modal when it can not be selected -SAW - Fixed issue with LDAP/AD certificate management when binary data is in the certificate [TPS#14690] -JO 2.4.0 - 02/14/2019 ================== - Added ability to create active checks for abnormal behavior [TPS#1019] -SAW - Added ability to manage certificates for AD/LDAP from web interface [TPS#5987] -SAW - Fixed display port on sources page [TPS#8136] -SW - Fixed issue with different OS installations -SW - Fixed issue with newer Debian 9 os-release not passing as a valid OS for install -JO 2.3.2 - 04/10/2018 ================== - Updated nfdump to version 1.6.16 (contains security fixes) - SAW - Changed ip field to addresses field in API to create sources [TPS#13071] -JO 2.3.1 - 01/03/2018 ================== - Fixed entering key when trial expires -JO - Fixed language files with improper languages in them -JO 2.3.0 - 08/29/2017 ================== - Added a few different LDAP account types to import from [TPS#12080] -JO - Added 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h options and default to 2h (Thanks Steve B.) -JO - Added updating the firewall to remove port when source is removed on default system firewall configurations [TPS#10268] -JO - Added state information into email alerting -JO - Updated encrypted files to support PHP 7.0 and 7.1 -JO - Updated RRDTool to version 1.7.0 -JO - Updated nfdump to version 1.6.15 -JO - Updated check output to not have backticks in it for easier use in scripts [TPS#12196] -JO - Updated Report and Query backend to be ~10% faster and not use exceptions -JO - Fixed a bug where swap and memory statistics were displaying wrong values on CentOS 7 [TPS#9965] -LG - Fixed removing a source from a source group when none are selected [TPS#11502] -JO - Fixed importing from AD/LDAP using slashes -JO - Fixed custom reports not updating graphs due to CSRF token failure [TPS#11982] -JO - Fixed wording of netflow data to show proper "Bits/Sec" field and updated interface to show Gi and Mi [TPS#10814] -JO - Fixed hostname needing to be unique when adding host/service alert for Nagios via NRDP [TPS#12388] -JO 2.2.3 - 08/15/2016 ================== - Fixed form authorization error on admin LDAP/AD add/edit server pages -JO 2.2.2 - 08/01/2016 ================== - Fixed PDFs not rendering properly [TPS#8845] -JO - Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities [TPS#9138] (thanks John Page aka HYP3RLINX) -JO - Fixed session key value to be more secure -JO - Fixed broken alert causing alerting for that source/group to stop [TPS#7983] -JO 2.2.1 - 06/03/2016 ================== - Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities -JO,LG - Fixed epel-release install problem -JO 2.2.0 - 01/04/2016 ================== - Updated sourceguardian loaders supporting up to php 5.6 -SW - Added --enable-nsel to nfdump to provide support for Cisco ASAs -JO - Added nfdump upgrade/recompile on upgrade -JO - Added character-based language support in PDFs -JO - Added backup and restore scripts and a Backup section in Admin for backup management [TPS#5116] -LG - Fixed PDF generation on servers forcing https -SW - Fixed source names to allow dashes in names -JO - Fixed the deleting of AD/LDAP servers -SW - Fixed raw data warning on timeframe > raw data lifetime -JO - Fixed bug causing edited sources to revert to Netflow even if they were sFlow sources [TPS#7117] -SW - Fixed multiple bugs when exporting graphs by updating highcharts to v4.1.9 [TPS#5440] -LG - Fixed bug to require Hostname/Servicename to be unique in Alerts > Nagios Setup > New Service/Hostname [TPS#5478] -LG - Fixed bug to set language as 'default' when importing an AD/LDAP user [TPS#6327] -LG - Fixed bug in Source list and Source view pages to display 'Start' and 'Stop' correctly [TPS#6237] -LG - Fixed bug in Alerting > Checks where Status colors were not working on languages other than english [TPS#6372] -LG - Fixed bug in Alerting table where the Last Stdout column was showing the wrong Bytes, Flows, Packets or Bytes/sec, which broke the alert [TPS#6371] -SS, LG 2R1.0 - 03/04/2015 ================== - Added AD/LDAP user authentication -JO - Added AD/LDAP import user functionality -JO - Added ability to download reports/queries/percentile pages as PDFs -JO - Added global value to try and resolve hostnames for IP addresses on summary, reports, and queries pages and graphs (if it can resolve via DNS) -JO - Added hostname caching for the resolve DNS ability so that reports/queries don't take as long to generate with resolve DNS turned on -JO - Added ability to change timezones from the web UI -JO - Added warning text on queries/reports when the begin date is longer than the raw data lifetime -JO - Added script to reset nagiosadmin password from the command line -JO - Added user-based dashlet options to dashboard page -JO - Added new graph popups on report/query pages -JO - Added the ability to execute a local script (and pass arguments) on an alert -JO - Added a new "percentile calculator" that allows you to calculate 95th (or more) percentiles on sources, views, and sourcegroups -JO - Added popup on source groups page when there are more than 5 sources listed to reduce clutter and created the 'show more' link -JO - Added support for CentOS/RHEL 7 -JO - Added tooltip when hovering over % bytes in summary top talkers section that shows data amount sent -JO - Added daily log rotation for backend.log and 7 days to be kept -JO - Added setting to sources to disable abnormal behavior checking -JO - Added advanced setting to sources to specify location of raw flow data upon source creation -JO - Added a 'Check for Updates' section in admin panel -JO - Added ability for updates to be applied from the web UI in the 'Check for Updates' section -JO - Updated styles in admin panel -JO - Updated printing CSS styles to make pages right-click printable -JO - Updated the styles on the dashboard and summary pages to have less open space -JO - Updated Highcharts to v4.1.1 for better graph performance -JO - Updated RRDTool to 1.4.9 -JO - Updated parts of the report/query pie graph and chord diagrams -JO - Updated summary page top talkers section to tell user when they are looking beyond the raw flow data -JO - Removed the ip address requirement for sources since they aren't necessary (multiple ips have always been able to send to one source's port) -JO - Checks tab on the "Alerting" page now shows the type of check and where it is sending (if anywhere) -JO - Fixed bug with views not automatically expiring raw data at the set raw data lifetime value -JO - Fixed bug on summary page where top talkers would srcip instead of each individual target if upgraded to a specific version -JO - Fixed license check for some RHEL versions -JO - Fixed bug where apikey would get reset when editing user accounts -SW - Fixed bug where nfcapd processes wouldn't start on server restart -BD - Fixed bug that caused some characters (like ? and ') to give invalid report/query name errors -JO - Fixed bug where source listings throughout network analyzer did not list sources alphabetically by name -JO - Fixed bug where alerts aren't sorted alphabetically -JO - Fixed bug in reports where highlighting on saved reports always defaults to the select box instead of the toporder in the report -JO - Fixed bug where deselecting all associated alerting methods would not actually unassociate any of them -JO - Fixed bug when creating a chord diagram with 4000+ unique ip addresses that caused the python generation script to error -JO 2014R1.9 - 06/17/2014 ===================== - Updated CI to 2.2.0 for security fixes -JO - Fixed bug with database migration not working correctly when upgrading from 1.7 -JO 2014R1.8 - 06/03/2014 ===================== - Fixed bug causing NNA not to continue if it can't connect to XI (aka NRDP checks can now be sent to core) -JO - Fixed issue where old NNA servers wouldn't migrate to the new "All Sources" -JO 2014R1.7 - 04/15/2014 ===================== - Fixed bug that wouldn't allow deleting sourcegroups from the summary page -JO - Added a new source group called "All Sources" that all sources will be added into -JO - Added api calls for product information (version, release number, etc) -JO - Added a new button on Queries/Reports page that shows how to run them using the API via HTTP request -JO 2014R1.6 - 03/14/2014 ===================== - Fixed print preview/print view -JO - Fixed email validation to allow internal email addresses too (such as user@hostname) -JO - Fixed a bug where queries were not using custom date time properly -JO - Added some needed changes to the API for more Nagios product integration -JO - Added the ability to change the max amount of relations shown on the chord diagrams in global settings -JO - Fixed additional bug causing problems starting sources on 32bit versions of Network Analyzer -SW 2014R1.5 - 02/28/2014 ===================== Updated Sourceguardian files to support PHP 5.4.23+ -SW Fixed bug causing problems starting sources on 32bit versions of Network Analyzer -NS Updated API for new Nagios XI components and wizards -JO 2014R1.4 - 02/06/2014 ===================== Improved API support allowing token to be passed to the API -JO Fixed report dropdown to properly have destination_port instead of 2 Destination IP listings -JO Updated to language file for better internationalization support -SW,JO Bug fixes to the API for better integration with Nagios XI Config Wizard -JO 2014R1.3 - 12/12/2013 ===================== Removed self testing IPs from the source code. -NS Fixed issues with languages not being selectable when language files for that language are created -JO Fixed issue where languages would only persist through the current session -JO Added languages (all the ones in XI) including Japanese -JO Added a global settings admin menu item -JO Added a default language setting in global settings, this language is what all users will default to if set to default -JO Made some fixes to the login and help pages that caused them to not translate -JO Fixed logout translation of error message bug -JO 2014R1.2 - 11/05/2013 ===================== Fixed some bugs when sending passive checks to Nagios XI -JO Fixed bug with integration in NagiosXI using NagiosNA component creating host/services -JO 2014R1.1 - 10/24/2013 ===================== Added a pinned sources dashboard to main dashboard -JO Fixed Source/Sourcegroup/View deletion error with checks associated -JO Checks are now set to PENDING when created and haven't yet been ran -JO Fixed bug where name field would be disabled when creating a new check immediately after editing a check -JO Bandwidth graphs now have updated colors and only Bytes are selected by default (can add others by clicking on legend) -JO Updated the netflow check to fail gracefully if there is no netflow data being sent for that source -NS Changed interpretation of 0, '', and null in checks to make better comparisons -NS Sources are sorted alphabetically in the sources tab -JO Removed python modules from install script -NS Resolved issues with easy_install on CentOS5 -NS Resolved an issue with older sudo version -NS Changed 'configure' to 'administration' -JO Adjusted 30m summary graph title and colors -JO Renamed 'aberrant' to 'abnormal' behavior -JO Updated the way alerting and abnormal behavior is displayed in the main dashboard -JO Moved the system dashboard to administration -JO Reduced the base font size -JO Added a "view problem" link to abnormal behavior -JO 2014R1.0 - 09/26/2013 ===================== - initial release