2014R2.7 - 04/23/2015 ===================== - Changed to not display language setting in Manage Config Access of CCM if using unified XI login -SW - Updated Japanese language file -JO - Updated nagios init script to not exit 0 if process isn't running -SW - Fixed bug that could be caused by /etc/sudoers.d/nagiosxi file left behind from 2011R2.0 -SW - Fixed CCM Bug preventing "Same Host Dependencies" from being able to save if a dependant host/hostgroup was not specified -SW - Fixed bug in Python 2.7 causing TypeError: XXXXXXXXXXX is not JSON serializable errors in Capacity Planning -JO, SW - Fixed popup overlay resizing issue in the CCM -JO - Fixed Contacts not correctly denoting object relationships to contactgroups in CCM -SW - Fixed bug where protected components were unable to be uploaded and installed via the Web UI -JO - Fixed bug where nrdp clients were not marked executable -SW - Fixed bug in CCM on CentOS 7 when editing a service the service would sometimes not apply yet apply config would say config applied -JO,SW 2014R2.6 - 02/12/2015 ===================== - Updated collapsing menus to be changed by clicking title instead of just the chevron icon -SW - Update Search in State History and top Alert Producers report to target Host Name, Service Description and output -SW - Update Graph Explorer Time Period menus to more accurately describe what will be display, showing number of days vs."last" X -SW - Updated check_mssql plugin -SW - Removed hostname in CCM service dependencies overlay and made all services listed are unique -JO - Fixed issue in CCM with filter text field forcing scrolling in overlay popups -JO - Fixed bug where Apply Configuration wasn't working properly on CentOS/RHEL 7 -SW - Fixed bug where restarting services through the UI wasn't working properly on CentOS/RHEL 7 -SW - Fixed bug where Top Alert Producers CSV export was blank if limiter was used -SW - Fixed bug where Alert Histogram was not reporting correct values if hostgroup limiter was used -SW - Fixed bug in scheduled backup where day was not populating correctly on page load for local backups -SW - Fixed Executive summary to properly encoding favorite links -SW - Fixed bug where Notifications CSV export always showed "Recovery" in reason column -SW - Fixed audit log being empty when exporting as CSV in language other than english -JO - Fixed old php notice errors on user account page -JO - Fixed PDF generation of alert heatmap to use the new PDF generation -JO - Fixed Capacity Planning PDF creation in scheduled reports -SW - Fixed alert heatmap report to show service alerts that are in hostgroups as well to match all other report behavior -JO - Fixed searching ability in alert heatmap -JO - Fixed the searchable dropdown boxes to show the selection of the proper item when hovering -JO - Fixed alert histogram report to show selected service box after selecting a specific service and running the report -JO 2014R2.5 - 01/26/2015 ===================== - Added ability for spooled outbound NRDP checks with offline XI servers -JO - Added ability to get reports based on spooled log entries of passive NRDP checks that come in from the past -JO - Added Priority header to messages sent with XI notification handlers where the message is for a non-OK state -SW - Updated collapsing menus to be changed by clicking title instead of just the chevron icon -SW - Updated styles of searchable select boxes throughout reports -JO - Fixed missing pymssql package which was removed from EPEL Repo -SW - Fixed histogram to actually list all services right away when a host is selected -JO 2014R2.4 - 01/21/2015 ===================== - Added searchable filter host/service/hostgroup/servicegroup dropdowns to all reports -LG - Added searchable filter in all CCM popup overlays -LG - Added Polish Language -SW - Fix issue causing commands to return "(No output on stdout) stderr:" if mare than 7 args were present -SW - Fix nagios init script to use nagiosxi path for the NagiosLockDir -SW - Fix for per-user collapsing menus -JO - Fix "no data" graphs from displaying in availability report for host/services with no performance data -JO - Fix sorting users on deploy dashboards to be alphabetical -JO - Fixed bug in CCM with free variable definition that would not allow backslashes -JO - Fixed bug in permalink that was not passing request variables if user wasn't logged in -SW 2014R2.3 - 12/29/2014 ===================== - Added alias to report if it exists, a host is selected and alias is different than the hostname, alertheatmap, histogram, statehistory, sla, execsummary, availability -SW - Fixed php parse error in state history report -SW - Fixed manage services script on centos 5 to get proper service binary -JO - Fixed capacity planning issues with no label in xml -JO 2014R2.2 - 12/26/2014 ===================== - Patch Nagios Core 4.0.8 to properly escape LONGSERVICEOUTPUT & LONGHOSTOUTPUT macros -SW - Fixed missing warn/crit values causing issues capacity planning graphs -JO - Fixed bulk modifications tool relying on half ccm/bulk mod css and javascript -JO - Fixed help system bug when displaying per-page help -JO - Fixed custom dates and replacing of newline chars in CSV output in state history and eventlog reports -SW 2014R2.1 - 12/22/2014 ===================== - Added ability for Alert Histogram report to allow selecting services and shows all host alerts including services or host only -JO - Added SLES, OpenSUSE, and CentOS/RHEL 7 support to the Linux Server config wizard (updated linux agent installer to work on the new systems) -JO - Added the ability to specify an alternate SNMP port and allow optional use of the TCP protocol in the snmptrapsender component -LG - Added a port number in the switch and watchguard wizards to a new column called 'Port Name' and the original Port Name field was changed to 'Service Description' -LG - Added "Other" to Linux Server config wizard which links to the NRPE config wizard instead -JO - Updated the Manage Components page to be sorted by title (displayed name) and split into user/core sections -JO - Updated perfdata permissions to no longer be word writeable -JO - Updated Japanese language translations (thanks Sasaki) -JO - Updated menu section collapse/show -JO - Updated icons and Linux OS selection list for the sshproxy config wizard -JO - Updated MRTG configuration to use forks by default to process SNMP calls much faster -SW - Fixed bug in graph explorer new 4 hour time frame not setting to 4 hours -JO - Fixed deploy notification options to show SMS and Email specific notification options -JO - Fixed bug in audit log where the amount of records/pages did not function properly -JO - Fixed sorting of dashboards, moving Home dashboard to top of list sorting remainder lexicographically -SW - Fixed bug in CCM that would give config errors when renaming a host -JO - Fixed bug in the CCM log management page that wouldn't let you delete logs -JO - Fixed bug where CCM auto-login would not set the users CCM language to their selected Nagios XI language -JO - Fixed corruption of character-based languages in the CCM log management page -JO - Fixed bandwidth report 'view all available' table to show the description not just port number -JO - Fixed bandwidth report to sort naturally not by numeric -JO - Fixed CCM import to overwrite hosttemplates on hosts -JO - Fixed CCM import error messages not being displayed when there are errors -JO - Fixed CCM issue where spaces at front and end of host_name and config_name were possible -JO - Fixed Alert Stream to show the servers timezone instead of GMT -JO - Fixed backups to now save NRDP/NRDS configs -JO - Fixed scheduled backups not logging debug/info (and added 7 day log rotation) -JO - Fixed issue where clicking "Create Backup" in local backups page would wait for an extremely long time -JO - Fixed bug when trying to restart/start/stop NPCD from the web UI -JO - Fixed issue in bandwidth report so it will not list in 'see all available reports' any services that have been deleted -LG - Fixed issue where custom url dashlet would not keep it's resized size -JO - Fixed sorting of services in CCM table to now sort by host name (config name) and service name -JO - Fixed sorting on Scheduled Downtime page's tables - now all host/services and groups are sorted alphabetically -JO - Fixed sorting on deploy dashboards page to now sort both the dashboards and users listed -JO - Fixed bug in autobackup scripts where some weekly backups weren't removed on schedule -JO - Fixed Manage MIBs page to use the add_mib() function to 'process trap', if add_mib() is not in the filesystem or is not executable then use snmpttconvertmib to process MIB, but will not write EXEC lines -LG - Fixed Route Request (rr.php), when getting an invalid user_ticket due to load spikes -LG - Fixed WatchGuard wizard so it detects ports correctly and allows support for all SNMP versions -LG - Fixed Capacity Planning graph dashlet's to export properly when in dashboard -JO - Fixed issue with NDOutils database upgrade rarely not adding columns -JO 2014R2.0 - 11/11/2014 ===================== - Added support for CentOS/RHEL 7 -JO - Updated Nagios Plugins to 2.0.3 -SW - Added searchable host field in graph explorer -JO - Added ability to set the language of a user as an admin (also fixed bug where language would reset when an admin edited a user) -JO - Added some usability fixes into the renaming tool including updated text and a "do not apply config after running the wizard" checkbox -JO - Added a warning in the CCM when someone tries to add a ! in $ARGn$ values since they are not allowed (they are used to split command lines) -JO - Added functionality to the CCM to go back to the last page when clicking "go back" and when saving/cancelling an object -JO - Added the ability to run Highcharts exporting locally (with install script & settings in component config area) -JO - Added chart name as default filename when exporting a Highchart graph -JO - Added ability for gauges dashlet to take ranges -JO - Added a Last 4 Hours selection to graphexplorer default time frames to match performance data graph dropdown -JO - Added ability to force conversion of plugin line endings to linux on plugin upload -JO - Added ability to bulk cloning wizard to be able to clone services who's config_name does not match host_name -JO - Added user Auth Level column to users table to see user levels from the main manage users page -JO - Added auto focus to the username field on the login page -JO - Updated the "Send alert notifications to..." checkbox lists (boxes) in step 5 of the "Monitoring Wizard" to be bigger -SW - Updated 2014 XI theme footer bar to be almost half the size of the old bar -JO - Updated a few translations in the Spanish translation files -JO - Fixed Highcharts graph exporting to use the correct height/width of the graph being exported -JO - Fixed bug with subsystem backend user id error messages -JO - Fixed backend url to add proper port if specified in the config -JO - Fixed bug where a small screen would have trouble displaying the license agreement submit button on fresh install -JO - Fixed hostgroup overview services link to link to the specific host that was selected instead of all -JO - Fixed a bug where adding multiple notification handlers to a contact would make it impossible to change notification preferences in XI -JO - Fixed bug in renaming tool that would not apply config correctly when services are on multiple hosts -JO - Fixed bug in SLA report where "show details" and "hide details" weren't working with auto-run reports disabled -JO - Fixed audit log to show proper date/time in columns -JO - Fixed state history for services to work properly (thanks Brian Christiansen for the patch!) -JO - Fixed mass acknowledge not leaving slashes (thanks Brian Christiansen for the patch!) -JO - Fixed issue where pinning dashboards would make the page jump -JO - Fixed BPI check output to be the standard output practice -JO - Fixed issue in the CCM where sorting and searching did not work properly together -JO - Fixed CCM import breaking with last line continuing on next line (or lines) with \ character at the end -JO - Fixed CCM import creating a value of the key for definitions with keys that have a blank value -JO - Fixed CCM missing "Manage Parents" link on the Host Templates common settings -JO - Fixed CCM inactive message when creating a new object -JO - Fixed issue in gauges dashlet where unit of measurement would not always be just the unit -JO - Fixed CCM issue where alerting on invalid service dependencies would still allow saving them -JO - Fixed bug in Top Alert Producers report where selecting Hostgroup would not show services of the hosts in the hostgroup -JO - Fixed bug in bulk cloning tool that would not keep the + to host_name of services -JO - Fixed the order of BPI groups to be alphabetical -SW - Fixed the Generic Network Device wizard: Servicegroups list was sorted by wrong field -SW - Fixed no performance graph available text -SW - Fixed output of getcontactgroupmembers backend api call to have proper output type -JO - Fixed scheduled reporting to no longer rely on hardcoded php path -JO - Fixed upgrade for offline installs -SW - Fixed capacity planning breaking host/service status page if .rrd existed but .xml did not -JO 2014R1.5 - 10/01/2014 ===================== - Added the ability to remove perfdata legend on perfdata dashlets when creating the dashlet -JO - Added ability to comment on Host/Service from advanced tab of Host/Service detail page -SW - Added ability to specify notification types per notification method -AB,JO,SW - Updated Highcharts perfdata graphs to be much bigger and easier to read -JO - Updated Monitor Engine Event Queue to use Highcharts -JO - Updated Japanese language file -SW - Fixed PHP notice errors from session calls -JO - Fixed perfdata graphs to show the proper amount of graphs per page -JO - Fixed returning a "1" at the bottom of the page when enterprise features are enabled on enterprise only pages -JO - Fixed having all contacts removed set contacts to null when using re-configure objects page -JO - Fixed bug that allowed charts with no perfdata to display on availability report -JO - Fixed quick delete in CCM -JO - Fixed service timeperiod selection box in contacts from not showing selected service timeperiod in CCM -JO - Fixed full command line in CCM with Classic theme from not wrapping -JO - Fixed apply configuration highlight in CCM when removing an object -JO - Fixed relationship info button in CCM from displaying services instead of host template relationships for host templates -JO - Fixed case sensitive object searches which could result in user not allowed to see object -SW - Fixed default check_command's to no longer have comments to they import correctly -SW 2014R1.4 - 08/14/2014 ===================== - Added the ability to specify backup creation timeout with cfg variable "backup_timeout" which defaults to 1200 secs (20 min) if not set -JO - Update to Nagios Core 4.0.8 -SW - Update to Nagios CCM to 2.2.0 -JO - Fixed whitespace issues in textareas -JO - Fixed bug in scheduled backups which caused SSH to remain open while backup was being created which could take 1hr+ -JO - Fixed bug with perfdata Highcharts graphs not showing with units of measurement that started with a number -JO - Fixed issue in Graph Explorer where scalable timeline graphs would not filter on the first selected type -JO - Fixed bug in CCM where Contact Options would always revert to standard -SW - Fixed bug causing preg_match error when processing imported mibs -LG - Fixed PHP notices caused by the new Highcharts perfdata template -JO - Fixed loading image being displayed indefinitely on Views page until refresh after deleting a view -JO - Fixed Japanese character corruption on status dashlets -JO CCM 2.2.0 Changes ----------------- - Added automated login when accessed from inside of Nagios XI if the user is an admin -JO - Added ability to use old "separate" login behavior by setting "Separate CCM Login" in Admin > System Config settings page -JO - Added a warning on host/service pages to let someone know if the config needs to be applied in case they have multiple pages of hosts/services -JO - Added red asterisk to "Apply Configuration" button if there are modified object(s) that need the config applied -JO - Added delete all configs from the Write Config Files section -AB - Updated logging so that automated logins are now logged with the Nagios XI username -JO - Updated logging so it does not log Nagios XI's apply configuration logins which plagued the log file -JO - Updated the "Config Manager Admin" to be viewable to Nagios XI administrators only when automated login is active (default) -JO - Updated the "Configuration Snapshots" link to open in the same frame -JO - Updated the way navigation was happening when clicking links to not involve so much Javascript -JO - Updates to overall style and look -JO - Updated sorting on tables to show what it is sorting by and added back in "Sync Status" sorting -JO - Updated "Sync Missed" and "Synced to File" to "Not Applied" and "Applied" and made other some small text changes throughout -JO - Fixed bug with messages displaying in a hard-to-read fashion when deleting/updating an object -JO - Fixed service description and confg name ordering on services table -JO - Fixed hidden scrollbar issues with popup selection boxes for host/services -JO - Fixed bug in check_command that wouldn't allow using a ; in the actual checks -JO - Fixed a bug where it would show apply config needed all the time if a config didn't exist because all objects were inactive for it -JO - Removed code from older versions that is no longer used -JO 2014R1.3 - 07/17/2014 ===================== - Added "Show Config Changes" and "Show Errors" on Apply Configuration page for admins -JO - Added the ability to force a check even if the host/service is out of it's check period -JO - Added "Last", "Avg", and "Max" to Host Graphs section Highcharts graphs -JO - Added "Delete All Configs" button to CCM -AB - Updated style of host/service details pages -JO - Updated verifications in CCM for host/service escalations to match the requirements for apply config to be successful -JO - Updated verification requirements in CCM for host/service dependency definitions for valid configs -JO - Fixed Japanese character corruption in dashboard names -JO - Fixed bug where CCM could not apply configuration with host/config names with / in them -JO - Fixed bug in CCM where free variables wouldn't import when importing Nagios Core config files -JO - Fixed schedule immediate check to do a forced check (default in Nagios Core) -JO - Fixed bug where performance graphs were not showing up for services with : in the name -SW - Fixed character corruption in performance graph names -JO - Fixed issue with missing forward slash in response url -JO,TM - Fixed variable definition illegal character check -JO,SW - Fixed bug in CCM that wouldn't allow & in command definitions -JO - Fixed issue with reconfigure where you could never configure no contacts on a host/service -JO - Fixed bug in Top Alert Producers and State History reports so that the selected state type stayed on page changes -JO - Fixed double % signs in graphs -JO - Fixed bug where searching for a host with no services would return nothing on "Service Status" page -JO 2014R1.2 - 06/23/2014 ===================== - Update Nagios Core to 4.0.7 -SW - Applied patch to Nagios Plugins 2.0.2 for additional SUID security vulnerability -SW - Added a checkbox for SLA & Availability report to show warning/critical/unknown states as OK during scheduled downtime "Hide downtime" -JO - Added validation of imported configs in CCM -JO - Change Core Config Manager table so Name and Alias are left justified -SW - Fix bug with maintenance displaying as not available when it is -SW,JO - Fix display of bottom bar in classic XI theme to not take up so much room -JO - Fix bug causing delete from host/service detail pages to fail -SW - Fix bug in CCM that allowed reading/editing files that were not inside the static directory -JO - Fix globally for dashlet add dashboard selection dropdown to have dashboards sorted alphabetically -JO - Fix Manage Component/Wizard pages to support version in the format x.x.x -SW - Fix writing of prefdata XML file to properly escape XML special chars ><& -SW - Fix notification url to no longer have double slashes in it -JO - Fix to not show spinner in bottom bar for non-admin users since it shows admin-only data -JO - Fix bug in Graphexplorer preventing users from getting graphs for services if they were not contacts for the host it resides on -SW - Fixed bugs in CCM to allow Japanese (and any character-based language) to create host/service names -JO - Fix bug for passwords containing \ or ' not authenticating -JO - Fix sorting of hostgroup/servicegroup names on several reports -SW - Fix character corruption on users page -JO - Fix bug in CCM where host/service dependency "inherit parents" was always checked -JO - Fix bug in CCM that caused free variables to not be removed from the DB on host/service deletion -JO - Fix CCM bug where Apply Configuration would not overwrite all files necessary if object names changed -AB - Fix bug in graph explorer where / would not appear in titles -JO 2014R1.1 - 06/03/2014 ===================== - Update Nagios Core to 4.0.6 -SW - Update Nagios Plugins to 2.0.2 -SW - Applied patch to Nagios Plugins 2.0.2 for SUID security vulnerability -SW - Applied patch to Nagios Plugins 2.0.2 to correct reverse lookups -SR,SW - Applied patch to Nagios Core to remove extraneous \n from appearing in perfdata of passive checks as well as other check results reaped from the checkresults queue -SW - Changed the Apply Configuration process to only write out changed configuration files -SW, AB - Upgraded wkhtmltopdf from 0.10.0 to 0.12.1 to fix rendering issues for graphs in PDFs -JO - Updated some icons to fit the new theme and not have white backgrounds -JO - Fix Ndoutils situation where db table nagios_logentries has items where `instance_id`,`logentry_time`,`entry_time`,`entry_time_usec` isn't unique enough. -SW - Fix bug where backend calls were forcing to connect to http://localhost even if forcing ssl -SW - Fix bug where reports would not be able to go through pages if auto-loading was turned off -JO - Fix bux in Network Outages causing incorrect hosts to be listed. -SW - Fix bug preventing new users from being added to the CCM -SW - Fix bug causing Services in Service dependencies to be disabled -SW 2014R1.0 - 05/13/2014 ===================== CORE COMPONENTS - Upgraded Nagios Core to version 4.0.5 -SW - Upgraded NDOutils to version 2 -SW - Upgraded Nagios Plugins to version 2.0.1 -SW - Upgraded MRTG to version 2.17.4 -SW - Updated Highcharts library to 4.0.1 with additional modules -JO WIZARDS - Added MongoDB Server Wizard -JO - Added MongoDB Database Wizard -JO - Added Nagios Cross Platform Agent (NCPA) Wizard -Nick - Added Domain Expiration Wizard - LG - Added Website Defacement Wizard - LG - Added Nagios Network Analyzer Wizard -JO - Updated Bulk Host Cloning Wizard to have ability to specify parents and hostgroups -JO REPORTS - Added new Service Level Agreement (SLA) report - EG - Added Network Report with Integration with Nagios Network Analyzer -JO - Added Network Query Report with Integration with Nagios Network Analyzer -JO - Added PDF export for the following reports: SLA, Bandwidth Usage, Capacity Planning, Network Report, Network Query -SW - Added Scheduled reporting for the following reports: SLA, Bandwidth Usage, Capacity Planning, Network Report, Network Query -SW - Added ability to set the scheduled report email text on a per-user basis -JO - Added new Report tab in Performance Settings to disable automatic loading on report pages -JO - Updated Availability Report with options to select specific states, add timeperiod filters, assume states during downtime, etc.- JO - Updated Capacity Planning Report including addition of dashlets to report - JO,NS,SW - Updated Bandwidth Usage Report to use Host/Service names and look like the other XI reports -JO,SW VISUALIZATIONS & FUNCTIONALITY - Added New Theme with cleaner look and quick search from any page -JO - Added Mass Downtime Deletion ability -SW - Added ability to archive snapshots -SW,JO - Added Birdseye visualization -JO - Added Per-User Menu Collapsing Memory -SW - Added gauges dashlets to service/host detail pages -SW - Added Deadpool feature to optionally automatically remove hosts/services from being monitored (Enterprise Feature) -EG,SW - Added Scheduled Backups Component -JO - Added Easy Upgrade from web UI - SW, JO - Added ability to view past upgrade logs (if done from web UI) in web UI -JO - Added ability to set XI server and PHP timezone from web UI -JO - Added ability to drill-down to specific hosts by clicking Highcharts perf graphs -JO - Added RDP and VNC Connection component allowing quick connections to host via RDP, VNC, Telnet and SSH -EG,SW,JO - Added logging of phpmailer failures to /usr/local/nagiosxi/tmp/phpmailer.log -SW - Added capacity planning graphs to tabs in Status detail pages -JO - Added the ability to give hosts a parent in bulk modification tool -JO - Added the ability to give hosts a hostgroup in bulk modification tool -JO - Added the ability to add a service (from an existing service as a template) to multiple hosts using the bulk modification tool -JO - Added ability to remove Network Analyzer Tab from Host/Service Detail Page -JO - Added Grid lines on tables -JO - Added ability to stop reports and metrics from auto-loading with new performance settings tab -JO - Added the ability to send emails out to users from the user management page -JO - Added service graphs advanced option to availability report -JO - Added displaying of address for host links when you hover over the hostname -SW - Added View service status icon to hosts in service detail table -SW - Added JSON output for backend API by using "outputtype=json" in the API query -JO - Enhanced Graph Explorer (with Stacked Performance Graphs) -JO - Enhanced Performance Graphs on Status Details Pages -JO,SW - Enhanced view rotation time slider -JO - Fixed bug which was preventing back button from remembering selection for notification_targets in step 5 of the wizard. -SW - Fixed bug that would allow hosts / services Active checkbox to be unchecked even if it had dependencies -SW - Fixed bug in license activation with lowercase license keys -EG - Fixed CCM bug where deletion/deactivation was possible with dependent relationships -SW - Fixed CCM bug so that saving static configurations to no longer add non-readable line breaks into saved files -JO - Fixed XSS security issues -JO - Fixed search for users in Manage Config Access of CCM... -SW - Fixed Network Replay report -EG,JO - Fixed bug in the CCM where you could activate a service that had parent relationships that were disabled -JO - Fixed bug in the CCM where you could add a disabled parent to an object that would cause applying the config to fail -JO - Fixed bug in CCM that would not show all the available pages in the Jump To Page box -JO - Fixed some issues with Japanese character corruption -JO - Fixed alert heatmap to now work when using Japanese as the language -JO - Fixed bug in scheduled reporting where the custom message per email wasn't being sent with the email -JO - Fixed the tools section for languages that use characters -JO - Fixed undefined offsets repopulating 'Services', 'Processes', and 'Event Logs' fields when moving back from previous steps in many wizards. -EM - Fixed MRTG's cfgmaker to support all priv-protocols -SW - Fixed bug preventing installation from /root -SW - Fixed bug in local backup downloads which prevented large backups from being downloaded -SW - Fixed bug that prevented free variables being saved with a value of 0 -SW - Fixed default to highcharts graphs on host/service detail page -SW - Fixed bug where inactive commands displayed in the Check Command list in the CCM -SW - Fixed new highcharts graphs to default in place of RRDtool unless changed in system config -JO - Fixed bugs with Switch / Router wizard and SNMP v3 -JO - Fixed Japanese language corruption in CCM -JO - Fixed website defacement wizard's Japanese language corruption in regex / command -LG - Fixed bug where number of items being displayed in CCM tables were off by 1 -SW - Fixed bug where all latest alerts were being shown in an individual host was selected in the Executive Summary Report -SW - Fixed bug with pdf reports not showing proper report data in character-based languages -JO - Updated host/service detail pages to have choices of "5","10","15","25","50","100","250","500","1000" per page -SW - Updated Apply Configuration process to remove old host/service .cfg files before writing the new .cfg files, this will help eliminate the possibility of ghost hosts/services. -SW - Updated Apply Configuration process to only allow one Apply Configuration process to happen at a time. -SW