============================================= Nagios Community Network Terms and Conditions ============================================= This terms and conditions agreement ("Agreement") is between Nagios Enterprises, LLC ("Nagios Enterprises") and any individual authorized by Nagios Enterprises ("NCN Admin") that operates a website, domain or web server (each an "NCN Service") that is part of the Nagios Community Network ("NCN"). 1. Code of Conduct Nagios is proud to be recognized as the leader in IT infrastructure monitoring. By becoming and NCN Admin or operating or managing and NCN Service, you agree that you will act in a professional manner that does not in any way harm the reputation of Nagios. You also agree not to make any representations, warranties, or other guarantees to anyone on behalf of Nagios and you agree not to engage in any misconduct that in any way diminishes the integrity of Nagios or the the Nagios Community Network. If you are found to be engaging in any conduct that Nagios Enterprises deems inappropriate, Nagios Enterprises reserves the right to deny and/or revoke your access to NCN Services without prior notice. For the purposes of this Agreement, inappropriate activities include - but are not limited to - trademark infringement, copyright infringement, domain squatting, defamation, hostile behavior, and communication (verbal or written) that is intended to demean, belittle, harass, intimidate, or be deceptive. 2. Ownership You agree that any and all Internet domains, and all NCN Services used in the NCN are owned by Nagios Enterprises. 3. Website Guidelines You agree to operate by the terms of and follow the guidelines set forth in the NCN Guidelines, published separately. If you are found to be operating in a manner that violates the NCN Guidelines, Nagios Enterprises reserves the right to deny and/or revoke your access to NCN Services without prior notice.