Schedules downtime for a specified host. If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments. Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds. The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch). The specified host downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry. Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the specified host should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
#!/bin/sh # This is a sample shell script showing how you can submit the SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME command # to Nagios. Adjust variables to fit your environment as necessary. now=`date +%s` commandfile='/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd' /bin/printf "[%lu] SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME;host1;1110741500;1110748700;0;0;7200;Some One;Some Downtime Comment\n" $now > $commandfile
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