Nagios SNMP Trap Interface 2.0.a documentation

Common Installation Issues

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Common Installation Issues

Connection Refused


Upon trying to access the page from the web browser you are greeted with a:

Connection was refused by the host.

Or something similar.


This is almost certainly a firewall issue. Please open up port 80 on your NSTI server. Firewall implementations differ between Linux distributions. See this documentation on opening up a port for the express purpose of web servers.

Server 500 Error


Check the Apache logs, which are usually located at /var/log/httpd, but may be different for your distribution. If you spot the line in your httpd/error_log:

ValueError: Unable to configure handler 'file_system': [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/nagiosti/nsti/var/nsti_web.log'


This means that your permissions are not set right, either Apache is not in your specified group, or you have some other permissions protection going on, like AppArmor of SELinux. Please temporarily disable either of these applications for troubleshooting purposes, then try to access the web interface again.

The actual disabling and proper configuration of either of these is outside of the scope of this document, however, if you are getting this Server 500 error immediately after installation, these technologies are almost certainly the problem.

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