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Nagios XI Makes Monitoring Easier:

Nagios XI is the easy-to-use, enterprise version of Nagios that features:

  • Web-Based Configuration provides advanced configuration features
  • Monitoring Wizards make it easy to monitor new devices, applications, and services
  • Customizable Dashboards allow for per-user customization
  • Integrated Performance Graphs provide trending and capacity planning information
  • Advanced Reports provide data insight and exporting capabilities
  • Data Visualizations enable powerful analysis of patterns and problems
  • Nagios Core Import functionality makes it easy to migrate from Nagios Core
  • ... and many other features

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See Also See Also: Performance Tuning, Distributed Monitoring, Fast Startup Options


Users with large Nagios Core installations may benefit from the use_large_installation_tweaks configuration option. Enabling this option allows the Nagios Core daemon to take certain shortcuts which result in lower system load and better performance.


When you enable the use_large_installation_tweaks option in your main Nagios Core config file, several changes are made to the way the Nagios Core daemon operates:

  1. No Summary Macros In Environment Variables
    The summary macros will not be available to you as environment variables. Calculating the values of these macros can be quite time-intensive in large configurations, so they are not available as environment variables when use this option. Summary macros will still be available as regular macros if you pass them to to your scripts as arguments.
  2. No Group Member Macros In Environment Variables
    The $HOSTGROUPMEMBERS$ and $SERVICEGROUPMEMBERS$ macros will not be available to you as environment variables. The values of these macros can be quite large and could possibly consume of all the environment variable space in large configurations, so they are not available as environment variables when use this option. These macros will still be available as regular macros if you pass them to to your scripts as arguments.
  3. Different Memory Cleanup
    Normally Nagios Core will free all allocated memory in child processes before they exit. This is probably best practice, but is likely unnecessary in most installations, as most OSes will take care of freeing allocated memory when processes exit. The OS tends to free allocated memory faster than can be done within Nagios Core itself, so Nagios Core won't attempt to free memory in child processes if you enable this option.