These documents describe how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build queries using natural language processing (NLP). This enables you to write English statements that will be transformed through the use of AI into usable queries. This is an experimental feature
AI Queries in Nagios Log Server - 2024R2
This document describes how to integrate Nagios Log Server with Active Directory (AD) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). This allows user authentication and validation through the Nagios Log Server interface. This is helpful for system administrators by simplifying user management of large infrastructures and standardize credentials needed for Nagios Log Server by allowing users to authenticate with AD/LDAP credentials when logging into the system.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Administrators who want to allow users to authenticate with their AD/LDAP credentials when logging into Nagios Log Server.
Authenticating and Importing Users with AD and LDAP - 2024R2
Authenticating and Importing Users with AD and LDAP - 2024R1
Authenticating and Importing Users with AD and LDAP - v2 (Legacy)This document shows how you can extend the log collecting capabilities of NXLog on a Windows server by monitoring your own custom logs.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Administrators that need to configure their Windows machines tosent specific log files to Nagios Log Server.
Configuring NXLog To Send Additional Log Files - 2024R2
Configuring NXLog To Send Additional Log Files - 2024R2
Configuring NXLog To Send Additional Log Files - v2 (Legacy)This document shows how you can configure NXLog to send multi-line logs to Nagios Log Server.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Administrators that need to configure NXLog to handle multi-line log files.
Nagios Log Server – Configuring NXLog To Send Multi-Line Log Files - 2024R2
This document will describe how to setup Nagios Log Server to use SSL/TLS to provide encrypted connections to the Nagios Log Server. This document can also be used as an initial point for troubleshooting SSL/TLS connections.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators who require encrypted connections to their Nagios Log Server. SSL/TLS provides security between the end user's web browser and Nagios Log Server by encrypting the traffic.
How To Configure SSL/TLS - 2024R2
How To Configure SSL/TLS - 2024R1
How To Configure SSL/TLS - v2 (Legacy)This document describes how to remove an instance from a Nagios Log Server cluster.
This document is written for administrators who are looking to remove an instance from a Nagios Log Server cluster, planned or not.
Removing An Instance From A Cluster - 2024R2
This document describes how to send Nagios Core logs to Nagios Log Server. This documentation also applies to Nagios XI as it uses Nagios Core in the backend.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Administrators who wish to analyze their Nagios Core logs.
Sending Nagios Core Logs To Nagios Log Server - 2024R2Sending Nagios Core Logs To Nagios Log Server - 2024R1 and v2 (Legacy)
This document describes how to setup encryption between Nagios Log Server and nxlog on Windows using self signed certificates.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators who would like encryption between NLS and their Windows nxlog clients.
This document shows how to configure Nagios Log Server to use a proxy server. In environments where your Nagios Log Server Instances do not have direct internet access you can use a proxy server for update checks, license activation and license maintenance checks.
This document is intended for use by Administrators who need to configure their Nagios Log Server to use a proxy server.
This document describes how to use a Nagios Log Server Output to create Passive Host and Service objects in Nagios XI. This document provides an example of how Nagios Log Server Outputs can perform tasks on the log data it receives.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Administrators who wish to automate the creation of passive host and service objects in Nagios XI. It also is a learning tool for how to use Outputs in Nagios Log Server.
Using An Output To Create Nagios XI Passive Objects - NLS2024R2
Using An Output To Create Nagios XI Passive Objects - 2024R1
Using An Output To Create Nagios XI Passive Objects - v2 (Legacy)
This document describes how to install the required certificate on the Nagios Log Server for use with LDAP or Active Directory (AD) Integration in Nagios Log Server. This process is required if your LDAP / AD server has a self signed certificate.
This document is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators that require secure LDAP / AD connectivity. You may already have the LDAP / AD Integration configured in Nagios Log Server, this documentation will allow you to update your integration to use certificates.
Using SSL/TLS with Active Directory / LDAP - 2024R2
Using SSL/TLS with Active Directory / LDAP - 2024R1
Using SSL/TLS with Active Directory / LDAP - v2 (Legacy)