Administrator Guide
Getting Started
System Configuration
Monitoring Configuration
Monitoring Windows
User Management
System Management
Advanced Topics
Developer Tools
Extending Nagios XI

System Management

Directory Structure

This document is intended to describe where Nagios® XI™ and its related components are located on the machine where Nagios XI has been installed. The Nagios XI directory structure is slightly different from the Nagios Core directory structure and it is important to understand the differences. Is is also important if you want to customize your Nagios XI installation.

This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who wish to better understand or customize their XI installation.

XI 2024 Directory Structure

XI v5 (Legacy) Directory Structure

Log Locations and Descriptions

This document describes the Nagios Core, Nagios XI, and system logs on a Nagios XI server, including the locations and a brief descriptions of their potential contents and diagnostic uses.

This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who want to have a better understanding of the logging architecture in Nagios XI and wish to diagnose potential Nagios XI issues with or without the help of Nagios Support.

Nagios XI 2024 Logs Locations And Descriptions

Nagios XI v5 (Legacy) Logs Locations And Descriptions

Backing Up And Restoring XI

This document describes how to backup a Nagios XI installation and restore an XI installation from a previously made backup. Backups are an important aspect of administration and maintenance, and can easily facilitate the migration of a XI installation between a virtual server and physical server and the design of a failover or disaster recovery instance of XI.

Backing Up And Restoring XI 2024

Backing Up And Restoring XI v5 (Legacy)

Boosting Performance

Utilizing A RAM Disk In NagiosXI

This document is a how-to on setting up a RAM disk to ease the I/O time on often access Nagios files.

Utilizing A RAM Disk In Nagios XI 2024

Utilizing A RAM Disk In Nagios XI v5 (Legacy)

Offloading MySQL To A Remote Server

This document is meant to show a step-by-step guide for offloading the MySQL services from the central Nagios XI server to an external, remote server.

Offloading MySQL To A Remote Server - XI 2024

Offloading MySQL To A Remote Server - XI v5 (Legacy)

Maximizing XI Performance

This document describes how to maximize the performance of your Nagios XI server in a non-distributed environment. This document will discuss maximizing active checks on a single Nagios XI server, and is intended for Administrators using primarily active checks.

Maximizing XI 2024 Performance

Maximizing XI v5 (Legacy) Performance

Nagios XI Database Optimization

Nagios XI stores current and historical information in various databases in order to facilitate reports and provide users with instant information on monitored elements. Over time the Nagios XI database tables may grow to excessive size, resulting in poor performance and high disk space and disk I/O utilization. This document describes how to configure optimal database settings for Nagios XI.

Nagios XI 2024 Database Optimization

Nagios XI v5 (Legacy) Database Optimization

Using rrdcached with Nagios XI

This document describes how to enable rrdcached with Nagios XI as a step to improve performance and reduce disk I/O on large installations. rrdcached is a daemon that receives updates to existing RRD files, accumulates them and, if enough have been received or a defined time has passed, writes the updates to the RRD file.

Using rrdcached with Nagios XI 2024

Using rrdcached with Nagios XI v5 (Legacy)

Repairing the Database

This document describes how to repair the database used by Nagios XI.

Repairing The Nagios XI 2024 Database

Repairing The Nagios XI v5 (Legacy) Database

Database Optimization

This document describes how to configure optimal database settings for Nagios® XI™ for increased performance. Nagios XI stores current and historical information in various databases in order to facilitate reports and provide users with instant information on monitored elements. Over time the Nagios XI database tables may grow to excessive size, resulting in poor performance and high disk space and disk I/O utilization.

Nagios XI Database Optimization

Nagios XI Database Optimization

Managing Remote Nagios XI Servers

Managing a Nagios XI server is an important requirement to ensure that the monitoring server can be configured to meet organizational needs and that application updates (patches and upgrades) can be applied. Nagios XI servers that are placed on remote networks often requires that an administrator configures firewalls and routers to allow access to management features. This document describes the requirements for and methods of managing remote Nagios XI servers.

Managing Remote Nagios XI 2024 Servers

Managing Remote Nagios XI v5 (Legacy) Servers

Nagios XI - How to Change Default Passwords

The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on changing the default passwords for an existing Nagios XI installation to ensure a safe and secure monitoring environment. This includes changing the passwords for the Linux root user, and users the Nagios XI software uses to access the MySQL and Postgres databases.

This guide is directed towards Nagios XI administrators interested in changing the default passwords for the local root account, MySQL accounts, and Postgres accounts for a secure Nagios monitoring server.

Changing Default Passwords in Nagios XI 2024

Changing Default Passwords in Nagios XI v5 (Legacy)